CFOtech Asia - Technology news for CFOs & financial decision-makers

Tom Keiser stories

Tom Keiser, a prolific writer with a keen interest in the evolving dynamics of technology and business, has penned compelling narratives on several contemporary issues. His coverage spans significant developments within major companies, especially in the Asia-Pacific region, as seen in his articles such as the expansion of Zendesk's leadership team to drive growth. He delves into how regional enhancements are vital for global scalability and market penetration, providing insights that are crucial for understanding business strategies in tech sectors.

Keiser also explores the sophisticated realms of social media utilisation in businesses, critiquing the shortcomings in current practices and the benefits of integrating social media more deeply into organizational workflows. Through his commentary on firms like Hootsuite, he illustrates how organizations can transform customer engagement into a strategic asset rather than merely a marketing tool. Keiser’s discussions extend into significant acquisitions like that of Sparkcentral by Hootsuite, underscoring the shifts towards more integrated digital customer engagement solutions in response to evolving market needs.

Moreover, his writings reflect an acute awareness of corporate responsibility, particularly in fostering diversity and inclusion within the workforce. By highlighting key findings from Hootsuite's 2021 Impact Report, Keiser not only presents statistics but critically examines the impacts of these corporate initiatives, pointing towards a holistic approach in business practices that champion social equity alongside economic goals.