CFOtech Asia - Technology news for CFOs & financial decision-makers

Will Sheers stories

Will Sheers, an insightful author deeply versed in the landscapes of cloud technologies and talent acquisition strategies, has captured the attention of his readers with his astute writing on current business solutions. His fervor for technological innovation is particularly evident in his coverage of Boomi, a company that's making strides within the cloud arena. Sheers lends his expertise to articulate why Boomi stood out as the 2022 winner of the prestigious Stratus Award, underscoring the company's exceptional contributions to the cloud sector as highlighted by the Business Intelligence Group.

Sheers also delves into the synergies between cutting-edge platforms and human resource processes. In an engaging narrative about LiveHire's strategic selection of Boomi AtomSphere, Will effectively communicates how Boomi's platform is set to revolutionize the talent search process, supporting LiveHire's global expansion. His interests clearly lie at the intersection of technology and efficiency, where modern solutions not only promise but also deliver substantial improvements to business operations and outcomes.