Globalization Partners launches global recruitment platform
Globalization Partners has launched a new platform that will leverage the company's recruitment partner network in an effort to provide organisations with a global talent pool.
The company believes that its customers are facing pressure to find talent in a constrained labour market. With this in mind, the company developed its G-P Recruit product to extend customer touch points with Globalization Partners' partners and recruiting specialists in key markets across the world.
The initial launch will cover markets including Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Germany, Spain, the Netherlands, Canada, United Kingdom, and the United Arab Emirates. New markets will be added throughout 2022.
Globalization Partners vice president of talent recruiting, Mark Hedley, notes, "A lack of recruiting resources can severely hinder a company's ability to execute on their talent strategy, and many rapidly expanding companies do not have the expertise or resources to find and hire global talent.
G-P Recruit will:
- Automatically match customers with recommended recruiting agencies to find them the perfect fit based on the customers' combination of hiring location, industry sector, functional area, and level of the role
- Be fully integrated with Globalization Partners' best-in-class technology platform, so customers can create job orders, view matching status with the recruiting agencies, and track progress on candidate sourcing
- Support a unified customer experience incorporated through a single, industry-leading global employment platform, enabling customers to manage the complete HR process of talent identification, hiring, onboarding, managing, and offboarding – without setting up subsidiaries around the globe, and eliminating legal compliance headaches
The Recruitment Network (TRN) cofounder James Osborne comments, "Today's business environment calls for creative solutions to the multitude of recruitment hurdles companies are facing such as resignations, skills gaps and talent shortages.
"Partnerships between organizations like TRN, their members and companies like Globalization Partners provide innovative ways to navigate these types of challenges and are driving opportunity for both companies and talent.
SHRM president and CEO Johnny C. Taylor says there is a war for talent and it's affecting businesses everywhere.
"That means companies need new ways to find the team members they need. Additionally, working on global teams has great benefits for employees too since they are more likely to have a much deeper cultural understanding. This contributes to improving the employees' ability to appreciate and value other points of view, leading to successful business interactions.
"Great talent is everywhere, and Globalization Partners is leveraging this reality," concludes Hedley.